Bug Light Park
Portland Breakwater Light, sometimes referred to a Bug Light Park Lighthouse, stands as a living history, shielding Portland Harbor since 1855.
Bug Light Kite Festival
Kid-friendly annual festival at Bug Light Park featuring colorful kites of all shapes and sizes and a BBQ lunch fundraiser. Bring the whole family!
Book a Fall Getaway
If you’re planning a getaway this fall, put Portland on your list. This coastal city provides the backdrop for a spectacular Fall show.
Blending Flavors From Near and Far
Walk down historic brick and cobblestone pathways and discover a world of restaurants specializing in every food fusion imaginable.
Best Summer Photo Spots
We know how much goes into capturing those perfect moments that live on long after you leave, here are some inspiring photo hot spots.
Best Food Truck Finds in Greater Portland
Find favorites from across the globe—everything from sushi burritos and BBQ to gelato and lobster rolls. We have it all on wheels!
Beginner’s Guide to a Greater Portland Getaway
Let’s unpack essential tips for your upcoming trip to Maine. Greater Portland is a vibrant coastal city brimming with history, culture, and natural beauty.
Beat the Heat with 8 Southern Maine Beaches
Summer is here, and so is the heat! Whether you’re visiting or a born and bred Mainer, the question isn’t if you’ll cool off, but where!
Be A Mainer For A Day
How would YOU live like a local? Peek our Maine itineraries for a ideas on how you could spend a fun-filled day like no other in Greater Portland.
Bailey Island
Accessible by both land and sea, scenic Bailey Island is home to the world’s only cribstone bridge and over 200 miles of Maine coastline.
Art Lover’s Guide to Portland, Maine
Our vibrant, year-round art scene is now a hotspot for every kind of cultural experience you can imagine.
Aroostook county
Aroostook, also known to locals as The County, holds a fascination for outdoor enthusiasts and is known for its Maine potato harvest.