Ice Cream Making
Join us to learn how homemade ice cream is made and enjoy a sample!
Military Appreciation Day
Funtown opens Memorial Weekend with a special Military Appreciation Weekend!
Youth Board Game Day
Join us at the South Portland Public Library’s branch location for an afternoon of gaming fun!
You won’t want to miss this thrilling live experience!
Tate House Museum Plant Sale
Tate House Museum to Host Their Annual Plant Sale May 18
Soil, Seeds, and Sprouts
Come dig in our soil and learn what a plant needs to grow!
Opening Night Reception
Opening Night Reception with Artist Ashley Page on May 10 Tate House
July 2024 Schedule
We offer shows, courses and lectures, and much more!
May 2-Hour Farm Pass
Come visit our animals on the farm this May!
Frogs, Fish, and Wiggles
Join us to discover amphibious critters around our pond!
Flowers For Mom
Why buy flowers when you can paint a bouquet that will last forever?
Discover Portland
Let us help you get a taste of The Way Life Should Be with our Portland Tours!