Children's Discount - Photo Credit: Amtrak Downeaster
Amtrak Downeaster →

Children’s Discount

Children ages 2-12 are eligible to receive a 50% discount with each full fare-paying adult (age 18+) on the Amtrak Downeaster!

This deal has passed.
Valid Jan 27, 2022 to Jan 27, 2023
About the Deal & How to Redeem

If there is more than one child per adult, reservations for those additional children must be made as an “Adult” and the full adult fare will apply. One child under the age of two (classified as an “infant”) may ride free with each full fare-paying adult (age 18+). Infants are not entitled to a seat. If there is more than one infant with each adult traveler, then the 50% discount policy may apply to those children per guidelines above.

Upgrades to business class are permitted with a $10 surcharge.
