Summer Seafood Dining in Freeport, Courtesy of Visit Freeport
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Vacation Packages

Freeport’s accommodations offer a great place to stay, perfect for your style and budget. Explore the Visit Freeport website for special vacation packages in the Freeport area.

This deal has passed.
Valid May 1, 2020 to Dec 31, 2020
About the Deal & How to Redeem

Guests may choose from one of our upscale inns, national brand hotels, or historic bed & breakfasts.

Interested in a more rustic experience? Pop up your tent, park your RV or rent a cabin at one of our stunning campgrounds. Whether it’s among the pines, on the bay, or at the foot of a mountain, Freeport offers amazing camping locations.

Redeem by going to our website and finding what you need.
