In a not-so-distant future on a place once known as Earth, the goats are about to run out of food in the toxic wasteland they call home. Gruff, a young goat, along with her siblings Griff and Clancy, set out on a mission to find a flower that they’ve never seen before. Gruff discovers the hidden and magical Troll Valley, the only place left on Earth where natural plant growth is treasured. Can trolls and goats overcome their differences and work together to save the planet?
April 15 – May 14, 2023
Location Children’s Museum & Theatre of Maine’s Maddy’s Theatre
Age Recommendation Ideal For Ages 5-10 & Their Families
Tickets | $15.
Members receive 10% off.
Directed by Emily M. Dixon, Musical Direction by Jen Segal, Live Accompaniment by Jack Zweben, Art by Charlie Hindall