Mushroom Identification Walk - Photo Courtesy of Pineland Farms

Mushroom Identification Walk

Join North Spore Mushrooms for an informative mushroom walk and learn about foraging and local mushroom species. Add to your knowledge or learn a new skill!

North Spore is based out of Westbrook and specializes in fresh mushroom cultivation as well as producing “mushroom spawn” for home growers and mushroom farms.

These walks are a great time to learn and ask all your mushroom questions!

Events > Mushroom Identification Walk
This event has passed.
Pineland Farms
15 Farm View Drive
New Gloucester, Maine 04260 United States
About the Event
Presented by
Pineland Farms
(207) 688-3384
October 14, 2023

Date & Time: October 14 – 10am-12pm
Event Type: Adult Program
Location: Oak Hill Trail at Pineland Farms
Fee: $30 per person (ages 14 and up adult supervision required) | Pre-registration Required.

Be prepared to be outside for the entirety of the program.

Questions? Contact the Education Department: 207.650.3031 or

**Visiting with a group of 10 or more? Please use our group visit sign up form.

Directions to the Oak Hill Trailhead: Follow GPS directions to ME-231 & Freeport Rd, New Gloucester, Maine. Head east on Freeport Road. The parking lot is the second left turn and is 0.3 miles from the intersection of 231 and Freeport Road. A sign will mark the location.
