Outdoor Mushroom Cultivation - Photo Courtesy of Pineland Farms

Outdoor Mushroom Cultivation

Over the course of 2 hours, we will explore fundamental principles of mushroom cultivation, discuss the many benefits of growing mushrooms, learn about various species and their growth parameters, and of course, create mushroom logs and a mushroom bed. Every participant will be able to take the log (approx. 2.5 feet) they inoculate home to care for and produce tasty mushrooms!

Events > Outdoor Mushroom Cultivation
This event has passed.
Pineland Farms
15 Farm View Drive
New Gloucester, Maine 04260 United States
About the Event
Presented by
Pineland Farms
(207) 688-3384
May 25, 2024

Date & Time: May 25th – 1 – 3 PM
Event Type: Adult Program
Location: North Spore Mushroom
Fee: $40 per person (open to ages 18 and up) | Pre-registration Required.

Have you been looking for a way to level up and diversify your garden? Maybe you have a shady, soggy section in your yard that isn’t suited to vegetables? If this sounds like you, learning to be a mushroom farmer with North Spore is the answer! The focus of this class will be to educate participants in two different outdoor mushroom cultivation methods:

1. Log Inoculation
2. Mushroom Beds

Over the course of 2 hours, we will explore fundamental principles of mushroom cultivation, discuss the many benefits of growing mushrooms, learn about various species and their growth parameters, and of course, create mushroom logs and a mushroom bed. Every participant will be able to take the log (approx. 2.5 feet) they inoculate home to care for and produce tasty mushrooms!

What you bring:

Water bottle
Long pants
Close-toed shoes
Eye protection
Work gloves
Notebook (optional)

Questions? Contact the Education Department: 207.650.3031 or education@pinelandfarms.org

**Are you interested in visiting with a group of 10 or more? Please use our group visit sign up form.

Directions to North Spore:
Follow GPS directions to 921 Riverside Street, Portland, Maine 04103
Contact: info@northspore.com
