Grady White Sailfish 'Perfect Fit'. Photo Credit: Fore River Sportfishing

Shark Fishing Charter

A variety of sharks live in our offshore waters including Blue, Porbeagle, Thresher and Mako sharks. These trips are 4-person max with morning only departures. minimum age requirement of 18 years.

Events > Shark Fishing Charter
This event has passed.
Fore River Sportfishing
1 Sprint Point Dr
South Portland, ME 04106 United States
(207) 671-5995
About the Event
Presented by
Fore River Sportfishing
(207) 671-5995
July 14, 2023 through October 12, 2023

During the trip we will chum while on ‘the drift’ and use cut bait to intensify the chumming process. Depending on the conditions we also fish for ground fish such as cod, haddock, and pollock.

*Sharks are catch and release only.

Exit 45 off the Maine Turnpike, after toll booth, take the Broadway Exit. At stop sign at the end of the ramp, take a right, head east on Broadway. We are located at the very end of Broadway Road. (Approximately 4.7 miles)
Off 295, take Forest Avenue South Exit 6A; follow Route 77 across Casco Bay Bridge. Continue straight through light after bridge, this will put you on Broadway Road headed East. Continue straight through next three lights to the end of Broadway.
