Portland Head Light Snowy Photo Credits: Serena Folding

Museum at Portland Head Light

Portland Head Light is a historic lighthouse in Cape Elizabeth that sits at the entrance of the shipping channel into Casco Bay. The head light was the first built by the United States government, and is now a part of Fort Williams Park. The adjacent ninety acre Fort Williams Park offers picnic facilities, hiking opportunities, sports and recreation areas, historic fort structures, and unlimited ocean views.

Visit > Museum at Portland Head Light

1000 Shore Rd
Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107

P. (207) 799-2661

Mon – Sun
10:00 am–4:00 pm
About Us

The museum is located in the former keepers’ house which was built in 1891 as a duplex for the head Keeper and the Assistant Keeper and their families.

The history of Portland Head Light is told through exhibits displaying artifacts and documents, navigational aids, Fresnel lenses, models and photographs. A historical time line will guide your tour through the museum beginning with the origin of the lighthouse and the lives of the keepers, technology changes over the course of 200 years, the military activities at Ft. Williams and ending with the decommissioning and automation of Portland Head Light in 1989. The museum opened in 1992.

The Museum at Portland Head Light and the Gift Shop are open daily from Memorial Day through October 31st; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Weekends only: May & November.
