Event Services in Greater Portland, Maine

Find all your Maine vendors in one convenient place. Let us assist in finding the dream team for your upcoming event, meeting, or conference—from AV and exhibits to caterers and transportation.

Find the right vendor to fit your meetings and events needs

Find local businesses you need to enhance your next event. Whether you are looking for AV, photo/video, gift bags, florists, or event rentals, you’re sure to find the quality services you need right here. Reach out to a local liaison and find out how to bring your next meeting or event to Greater Portland, Maine.

Dive in to our local business listings below to explore more opportunities…

Packages + Deals


Browse through the special group deals and promotion packages offered by participating businesses. Find special deals on group tours, meeting space, private lobster bakes, and more.

Trio of Lobster Rolls on Peaks Island, Photo Courtesy of Kirsten Alana / GLP Films
Free Services


Our local liaisons can help take the stress out of event planning. We can help find the perfect venue to hold your next meeting, convention, or event. Whether you need recommendations for group meals, excursions, or hotels—one call and we coordinate it all.

Working Waterfront, Photo Credit: Peter G. Morneau
Stay in the Know

Planner Newsletter

Make your meeting stand out by keeping your finger on the pulse of the meetings and events industry in Maine. Let us lead the way by keeping you up-to-date with new properties, exciting happenings, and ideas to make your Maine meeting one to remember.

Golf Carts on Peaks Island, Photo Courtesy of Kirsten Alana / GLP Films