New Blog for Partners
stay in the know
Tourism Trending, Economic Development, Advocacy, and more
Welcome to our Partner Blog! Keep your finger on the pulse of what’s happening
in the tourism industry and across Greater Portland, Maine’s community.
Stay tuned for more articles and helpful resources to come…

Tourism Trends
Keep up with hospitality and travel updates, developments, and trends.

Greater Portland
at a glance
New Builds, exciting regional updates, and city projects and plans.

InDUstry Updates
Find out what your neighbors are up to and how we can all work together.
“Filter by Interest” Categories
Use our helpful resources below to find exactly what you’re looking for. We will be adding new helpful projects, programs, and initiatives as we go. View our Partner Blog and select your interest category to get started.
- Advocacy
- Awards and Accolades
- Economic Development
- Education (by Local Experts)
- Group Sales
- Greater Portland at a Glance
- Industry Updates
- International
- Leisure Marketing
- Maximize Your Benefits
- Newsletter Archive
- Media Mentions
- Motorcoach
- Networking Events
- New Partners
- Partner of the Month
- Partner-to-Partner Deals
- Social/Digital
- Testimonials
- Tourism Trending
- Travel Writers/Influencers
- Wedding
Submit to Our Partner Blog

Did your business win an award or get mentioned in the press? Is there a new project or initiative you’re working on? We want to know.

Want to create a deal, package, or promotion for your fellow Visit Portland Partners? Let us know and we can feature your offering on our blog.
Any questions, comments, or suggestions can be sent to