Take your partnership to the next level by engaging in marketing opportunities, utilizing your benefits,
and keeping us in the loop on all your projects. View the full document here.

1. Use the ‘Partner Dashboard’ to update your web-listing(s), post Packages & Deals,
and submit any upcoming events you may have to the Visit Portland website. Submit events and deals 30 days or more from the initiative to maximize exposure.
2. Introduce yourself to the Visitor Information Center staff and make sure they know
the appropriate contact at your business for additional information or assistance.
3. Invite Visit Portland staff to tour your facility or to an open house, so that we become familiar
with your services. First-hand experiences allow us to fully understand your business
and properly promote you with visitors.
4. Attend ‘Partner Only’ events, where you can connect with others and stay informed
about any upcoming projects and marketing opportunities.
5. Introduce yourself to our staff at the Networking Mixers.
6. Keep us updated about any enhancements, contact changes, promotions and address changes.
7. Update your business and contact information through the Partner Dashboard.
8. Refer us to other community businesses!! Visit Portland is funded completely by partnership.
The amount of funding we have, directly impacts the amount of staff and tools we have
available to execute our marketing initiatives (All marketing is funded by a MOT regional grant).
9. Make sure you respond to our requests to update your information,
prior to publication deadlines in order to ensure accurate information is provided to visitors
10. Do a quarterly refresh on your benefits, to help ensure you are getting the most out of them!
11. Send us your photos of all there is to see and do at your business. We may
use them in our marketing materials, thus providing additional exposure for your business.
(Photo agreement forms -provided by VP- MUST be completed in order for us to use ANY partner photos).