Logo Maine Tourism Association

Maine Tourism Association

Maine’s largest private sector tourism organization. Publication, promotion and advocacy for the tourism industry in Maine.

MaineTourism.com offers extensive, statewide listings of accommodations, attractions, restaurants and visitor services.

From our rock-bound shores to our majestic mountains and islands, Maine is the destination that will exceed your expectations.

Visit > Maine Tourism Association

327 Water St
Hallowell, ME 04347

P. (207) 623-0363

T. (888) 624-6345

About Us

As you look through our Web site, what will capture your attention first is the multitude of things to see and do in our four-season travel destination that will provide you with memories to last a lifetime.

To plan your next Maine Vacation visit our website or contact us to request a printed version of our travel planners. The guides will be in the mail to you soon!
