Eastern Cemetery Fall - Photo Credit: Janet Alexander

Spirits Alive

Spirits Alive is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of Portland’s historic Eastern Cemetery through a range of activities including walking tours and ongoing education.

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ME 04101

About Us

Established in 1668, the Eastern Cemetery is the oldest historic landscape in the city and is home to around 4,000 interred.

In the summer we host scheduled walking tours of the cemetery, where trained guides explain the history of Portland highlighting some of the area’s major historical figures who now are cemetery residents.

They also discuss early cemetery art, iconography, stone types, cemetery development, and answer questions.

Private tours may also be arranged.

“Walk Among the Shadows”
In the fall, we conduct evening tours with costumed actors who portray the ghosts of people who lived and died in our city.

In the winter we offer a 3-part lecture series on topics related to the history and customs surrounding cemeteries like ours. We also hold summer conversation work days where volunteers can learn proper stone conservation and restoration techniques.
